Sealers and Accessories
General description
Floorseal is a clear acrilyc resin polymer solution which impregnates concrete surfaces to combine all the benefits of curing, hardening and sealing. Floorseal is none-degrading and remains permanently in the concrete matrix.
Floorseal impregnates and gives a permanent, hard wearing, non-dusting surface to existing concrete or fresh wet concrete floors. It forms an effective curing membrane for fresh wet concrete. Floorseal impregnates even fresh wet concrete, sealing and protecting the concrete.
Special properties
- Hardens concrete permanently
- Prevents dusting
- Anticarbonation coating
- Simplifies operation/planing
- Non yellowing
- Impregnates concrete
- Application same day as concrete laid
Method of use
Floorseal maybe sprayed onto newly laid concrete immediately after the final powerfloating. After finishing the concrete Floorseal should be applied evenly, as a fine mist spray, from a low pressure sprayer onto concrete free from surface water.
In hot weather store Floorseal containers in a cool place prior to use. When stored below 0°C Floorseal may thicken which could make spraying less easy.
Floorseal is also ideal to apply to mature concrete surfaces provided these are clean and have no free surface water. Water/lubricant used in joint sawing may cause white discoloration if the Floorseal not completely cured.
Floorseal provides an in surface seal and spills of hydraulic/oil etc. should be cleaned promptly to avoid risk of staining. If this advice is not followed MMI has knowledge of cleaning compounds which may reduce staining of the floor.
Equipment cleaning
Flush sprayers and nozzles thoroughly with Floorseal Solvent and allow to drain before and after the use. Do not use sprayers which have ever been used to spray silicones or release agents.
Store in a frost free, well ventilated place in closed containers away from open flames, etc. Avoid inhalation and eye/skin contact.
Notes for guidence
After allowing Floorseal acrylic resin curing/sealing/dust-proofing agent to dry completely the main contractor should suitably protect the concrete surface from risk of contamination by oil and other spills and from mechanical damage during site operations. Any excess Floorseal applied to the concrete surface may be cleaned of the surface as part of the normal cleaning process at the end of the contract period and should be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. All new and mature concrete surfaces to be treated, must be clean and free from contaminants prior to the application of Floorseal.
Általános leírás
Az Aquabex egy viaszbázisú folyékony membrán, melyet a frissen kivitelezett beton felületére kell permetezni, vagy hengerrel felvinni. A termék kifejezetten frissen kivitelezett betonpadlók, illetve javító habarcsok impregnálására lett alkotva. Használata csökkenti a nedvesség párolgását a beton korai szakaszában, kiküszöböli a mikrorepedések létrejöttét, javítja a felület kopásállóságát és ellenálló képességét.Különleges tulajdonságok
könnyű kivitelezés vízbázisú termék helyettesíti a beton további locsolását javítja a felszín keménységét kiküszöböli a mikrorepedések kialakulásának kockázatát beton elkészültével megegyező napon lehet felvinniAlkalmazási mód
Az alap előkészítése Az Aquabex-et a frissen kivitelezett betonra kell felvinni annak végső mechanikai megmunkálása után. A betonnak víztől és szennyeződéstől mentesnek kell lennie.Kivitelezés
Tipikus kivitelezési módja Panbex javító habarcsra vagy porszórásos padlóra történik.Az alapot fel kell osztani olyan területekre, ahol az utókezelő meghatározott mennyiségét használjuk fel. Az Aquabex-et rá kell permetezni a felületre, de felhordása lehetséges ecsettel vagy hengerrel is. Egy réteg általában elegendő a felület hatékony védelmére.
Különösen száraz és huzatos körülmények között - miután az Aquabex-et felvittük - ajánlatos a felületet textillel, vagy műanyag fóliával leteríteni, hogy óvjuk a közvetlen széltől és a gyors kiszáradástól. Az utókezelő kiszáradása után annak fennmaradó részét, mely nem hatol bele az aljzatba, nem kell letisztítani, azt a szokásos forgalom lépésről-lépésre letisztítja. A terméket frissen kivitelezett betonon használva a felület utókezelést és védelmet kap a gyors nedvesség vesztés ellen.
Az Aquabex nagyobb védelmet nyújt a víz és olaj behatolással szemben, ennek ellenére az olaj szennyeződést ajánlatos gyorsan letisztítani a foltok kialakulásának elkerülése érdekében. A dilatáció vágásánál keletkező foltok helyi elszíneződést okozhatnak ott, ahol az Aquabex még nem teljesen száraz.
Ha bármilyen más bevonatot helyeznek az Aquabex-szel kezelt felületre, szükséges egy kompatibilitás teszt elvégzése egy kisebb területen.
Száradási idő
A felület 20 C fokon 2-4 óra között lesz érintésre száraz. A teljes szárazságot 24 óra elteltével éri el, 20 C fokonUtókezelői hatékonyság
90%-os áteresztő képesség csökkentés, 7 m2/ literes anyagfelhasználás esetén, összehasonlítva a kezeletlen betonnal.Felhasználhatóság
6 hónap a szállítástól, felbontatlan, eredeti tartályokban. Fagytól és magas hőmérséklettől óvni kell.Szerszámok tisztán tartása
A permetezőt alaposan le kell mosni tiszta vízzel. Ne használjunk olyan permetezőt, mellyel korábban szilikonos anyagot permeteztünk.Munkavédelem
Az Aquabex nem mérgező anyag. Használjunk védő ruházatot, melynek része a megfelelő szemüveg és védőkesztyű is. Ha az anyag a szemünkbe kerül alaposan mossuk ki tiszta vízzel. Lenyelés esetén azonnal forduljon orvoshoz. Az anyagot ne lélegezzük be. Ha bőrre kerül szappannal és vízzel azonnal mossuk le. További információért olvassa el a csomagoláson lévő címkét.Információ, tanácsadás
A csehországi Brno-ban található Panbex s.r.o. magyarországi megbízottja az MMI Atlas, amely további információkkal áll szíves rendelkezésére a fenti címen.Technikai adatok | |
Sűrűség (térfogat/súly) | 1050 kg/m3 5%+- |
Csomagolás | 15 vagy 200 literes tartály |
Anyagfelhasználás | 5-7 m2/liter/1 réteg |
water based curing agent for concrete surfaces
General properties
Az Aquaseal is a liquid wax-based membrane, which should be spray or roller applied onto fresh laid concrete surface. The product is specially formulated for impregnation of fresh laid cementitious repair mortars and concrete floors. Its application reduces moisture loss in the early stages of maturing, eliminates the risk of micro cracking and improves the durability and resistance of the surface.
Special properties
- Easy application in 24 hour after concrete placing
- Water based product
Replaces additional watering - Improved durability of the surfaces
- Micro cracking risk elimination
- Same day application when concrete placed
- Method of use
Substrate preparation
Aquaseal should be applied onto fresh laid concrete after its final mechanical treatment. Concrete substrate should be free of water and impurities.
The typical way of use is to apply it on the top of ARMADUR dry shake floor.
The substrate should be divided into adequate parts, where the specified quantity of the sealer should be used.
Aquaseal should be spray-applied; its application by paintbrush, roller or rubber squeegee is possible. One coat is usually sufficient for effective curing of the surface.
In especially dry conditions or in draught after Aquaseal drying the concrete could be immediately covered with textile or plastic sheets, shaded and protected from direct wind and fast drying. After drying out the sealer it is not neccessary to clean the remainders, which do not penetrate to the substrate. They are gradually removed by usual traffic.
Using the product at fresh laid concrete gives the surface especially sealing and protection against rapid moisture loss. Aquaseal provides higher surface resistance to water and oil penetration. In spite of that such substances must be always removed from the surface to prevent spot development. Stains produced during joint cutting may cause a local discoloration if Aquaseal is not completely dry. For additional successive coats on the surface treated by Aquaseal it is neccessary to make a copmatibility test on a smaller area.
Technical data
Volume weight: (density) 1.050 kg/m3 ±5%
Packing: Aquaseal is supplied in 20 l cans and in 120 l drums
Coverage/Yield: 10 m2/litre, i.e. 0,10 litre/m2
Drying time
The surface is to
uch dry after 2-4 hours at 20°C. Completely dry after 24 hours at 20°C.
Curing efficiency
90% permeability reduction when applied 10 m2/litre in comparison with untreated concrete.
Shelf life
6 months from the dispatching date in original unopened containers. Protect from frost and wet conditions.
Tools cleaning
Sprayers and nozzles should be thoroughly cleaned with clear water. Do not use sprayers that were used for spraying with silicones or release agents (oils).
Safety and helath protection
Aquaseal is a non-toxic stuff. Use protective clothing including goggles and suitable gloves. If eyes are affected, irrigate them thoroughly with water and apply boric water. In case of ingestion seek immediate medical care. Do not induce vomiting! In case of skin affection wash it immediately with soap and water. For further information refer to a special document concerning the health protection when working with the product and on pack labels.
ARMAJOINT is a fast curing joint sealant, general purpose adhesive that has been specifically formulated to contain both PU and silylated PU technology, thus giving rise to a sealant, which includes the best properties of both technologies.
ARMAJOINT cures rapidly through reaction with atmospheric humidity to produce a sealant with excellent early grab adhesion even on substrates traditionally problematic for PU sealants, e.g. aluminum, steel, polycarbonate etc. Additionally, the sealant has been modified in order to have extrusion profile identical to Hybrid PU or MS technology.
Recomended to
Sealing joints in:
- metal frames,
- aluminum windows and panels,
- glass & mirror applications,
- granite & marble, flooring applications
- Limitations
Not recommended for direct application on unsound substrates. In this case the substrate must be primed with MICROSEALER-PU, which will re-enforce the concrete and produce a strong durable substrate for sealant application.
Very porous substrates such as poorly compacted or cracked concrete must have their porous bond area surfaces thoroughly sealed to avoid the possibility of air bubbles being blown into the uncured sealant if the substrate temperature rises.
Features & benefits
- Excellent adhesion on almost any type of surface, with or without the use of special primers. Excellent extrusion, tooling and storage stability over wide range of climatic conditions.
- Excellent chemical resistance, suitable for sealing joints in swimming pools and chemically treated water.
- Microorganism and fungus resistant
- Application under water immersion possible
- Excellent heat resistance, suitable for application where exposure to temperatures >60°C take place.
- Resistance to cold: The sealant remains elastic even down to -40 oC.
Application procedure
Clean joint thoroughly, and ensure that no oil, grease and wax contaminants, silicone remains are present.
For most applications, primer is not required. In the case of application on very porous substrates, bond area surfaces thoroughly to avoid the possibility of air bubbles being blown into the uncured sealant if the substrate temperature rises. Recommended primer is PRIMER-PU.
Apply backing material such as open cell polyurethane or a closed cell polyethylene backing rod. Although both types of backing rod are recommended care must be taken when using the closed cell polyethylene rod that the outer skin not be punctured as in rising temperature conditions it may cause bubbling. Backing rod application is important as it ensures that the correct width to depth ratio is achieved provides a firm backing against which the sealant can be tooled off.
Slide the sealant into the applicator gun, cut off the very end of the sealant packaging and fit the gun with the nozzle that has been cut to deliver the right bead size.
Extrude the sealant into the joint ensuring that no air is trapped in the joint. Wide joints will require more than one pass of the application gun to make sure that sealant is in full contact with the sides and bottom of the joint.
Tooling is recommended immediately after the application of sealant. The ratio width to depth should be 2:1 subject to a minimum depth of 10mm.
600cc sausage
Shelf life
12 months minimum in the original packaging when stored in dry places and at temperatures of 5-25 oC. Once opened, use as soon as possible.
Comsumption / WIDTH DEPTH | 5mm | 10mm | 15mm | 20mm | 25mm |
5mm | 24 | 12 | |||
10mm | 4 | 3 | 2,4 | ||
15mm | 1,6 |
Specific weight |
gr/cm3 |
ASTM D1475 / DIN 53217 / ISO 2811, @ 20 oC |
1.35 - 1.4 |
Tack free time, @ 77 oF (25 oC) & 55% RH |
hours |
- |
0.45 - 1 |
Cure Rate |
Mm/day |
- |
3 - 4 |
Service temperature |
oC |
- |
-40 to 80 |
Hardness |
Shore A |
ASTM D2240 / DIN 53505 / ISO R868 |
±45 |
Modulus at 100% elongation |
(N/mm2) |
ASTM D412 / DIN 52455 |
0.7 |
Elongation |
% |
DIN 52455 / ASTM D412 |
>700 |
QUV Accelerated Weathering Test(4hr UV, at 60oC (UVB-Lamps) & 4hr COND at 50oC) |
- |
ASTM G53 |
Passed (after 2000hr). |
Thermal Resistance (100 days, 80°C) |
- |
EOTA TR011 |
Passed |
Toxicity |
- |
- |
No restrictions after full cure |
Resilience |
% |
DIN 52458 |
>80 |
Hydrolysis (8% KOH, 15 days @ 50°C) |
- |
- |
No elastomeric property change |
Hydrolysis (H2O, 30 days-cycle 60-100°C) |
- |
- |
No elastomeric property change |
HCl (PH=2, 10 days @RT) |
- |
- |
No elastomeric property change |
Adhesion to concrete |
kg/cm2(N/mm2) |
ASTM D4541 |
> 20 (> 2) |
Concrete Curing Liquid
An aqueous solution of metallic silicates which when applied to fresh concrete forms a micro crystalline seal in the pores, reducing the evaporation of moisture from the mix thus assisting in the efficient curing of the concrete.
Unlike resin based curing membranes, which degrade on concrete surfaces, Chemcure S becomes a permanent integral part of the surface. The porosity of the concrete is slightly reduced but numerous trials carried out on both cast and trowelled surfaces with a large number of coatings, membranes and treatments indicate no loss of adhesion. However various factors influence the adhesion of any material to the surface and hence we would recommend that site trials are carried out to demonstrate the compatibility of the proposed system.
Non staining, non toxic, ideally suited for reservoirs and other potable water retaining structures.
Water based, ideal for use in areas of poor ventilation.
Aids concrete to attain maximum hydration, strength, durability and surface hardness.
Shrinkage with associated hairline cracking and crazing greatly reduced in vertical and horizontal applications.
Available with a fugitive non-staining dye to assist application if required.
Extremely economical and easily applied using Nufins Spray Equipment.
Silane compatible.
Technical Information
Approved by Water Research Council for use with potable water.
Application Instructions
- On vertical surfaces immediately after stripping formwork, thoroughly dampen the surface with clean water and spray Chemcure S at a rate of 1 litre per 5.5 - 6.0 m2.
- On horizontal surfaces ensure that there is no free water on the surface before spraying at a rate of 1 litre per 5.5 - 6.0 m2.
- Avoid any ponding on the concrete surface.
- Clean all equipment with water and avoid contact with glass or paint work.
Chemcure S is supplied in 210 litre containers.
Chemcure S should not be allowed to freeze and must be kept out of the reach of children. All containers should be resealed after use.
Health & Safety
Rubber gloves, boots and goggles should be used during application. Accidental splashes on the skin should be washed with soap and water and any contaminated clothing removed. Contact with eyes should be avoided and if any accidental contamination does occur they should be washed with copious amounts of water and medical attention sought. If swallowed do not induce vomiting and seek medical aid.
Chemcure S is a curing aid and under conditions of excessive heat and/or a drying wind it is recommended that horizontal surfaces be covered with a polythene sheet for the first few hours of curing. This sheet will not stick to the surface and can be re-used many times. Chemcure S must not be used prior to powerfloating. When Chemcure S is being used on power floated surfaces or with dryshake 'hardeners', we recommend the floor is washed with clean water the following day to remove excess silicate.
Technical Note
Chemcure S, when used in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, does not cause staining. Concrete ‘staining’ can be caused by a number of factors on which our Technical Department can advise.
Technical Support
Through our technical department and laboratories we can offer a comprehensive service to specifiers and contractors.
Technical representatives are available throughout the UK to provide further information and arrange demonstrations.